Tuesday, 31 December 2013

Final Music Magazine

click on the image to zoom in
The colour scheme of my magazine is deep blue sea. I have chosen this colour because it looks mysterious and compliments with the main image’s colour tone. Also, I edited the special effect of the background and around the arms so that it will bring more interest to the magazine.
For the main image, I have used a medium close up shot because I think this shot is the most suitable for the magazine. I also have tried to use medium long shot but it does not suit because the model looks too small and this make it unbalanced in comparison to the text.
Make up is also needed for the rock star, so I have applied heavy black eye shadow and red lipstick as well as the stars on her face. By applying a lot of make up on makes the model looks more violent and more of a rock star. The main prop that I cannot miss is the electric guitar because it brings more of a rock-star image to the magazine. Additionally, I'd change the colour of the main image because the original picture is too bright, therefore I started to play around with the brightness and contrast. 
At the bottom corner, I did put a barcode on the right hand side. The reason for adding a barcode on the corner is because to not distract the other components of the magazine.

click on the image to zoom in

For my contents page, I decided to keep the same colour scheme as the front cover to highlight the theme of the magazine, also to make sure that it is related with each other. 

The layout of content page:
 I divided it into two main sections; on the right hand side is for text and the left side is the images with the page number below to make it easier for the reader to navigate. However, I did not follow what I planned because during the process, I have found out that my plan may not fit the other conventions of the magazine.

click on the image to zoom in

Double page spread:
I decided to use up one page for the image; this is to let the audience have a full view of the model. 
For the main background colour, I kept it a light blue colour tone because it represents the connotation of confidence, calmness and peace.

My double page spread is unique from my front cover and contents page.
The colour theme of the page is lighter than the other two. This is because; I think it would surprise the audience if the double page spread is unique. Therefore this will create a unique selling point to the magazine, which would increase market segment. To add to this, the double page spread is the page where most of the audience is looking forward for, therefore, the differentiation would draw the audience attention better. However, I have kept the font consistence to make a little relation between the front cover and contents page. 

Saturday, 28 December 2013

Audience: Mood Board

For my mood board, I have gathered pictures of music magazine; this would help me to realise what aspects of the magazine are placed and how they presented to create a popular/ famous music magazine.

Form my research, I have noticed that most of the music magazine are presented in mainly blue and red. This might be because it is convent colours that will make the audience notice that this is the music magazine. Therefore, will helps the audience to make a quick decision when purchase the magazine. To add to this, they have used different colours for different genre of the music magazine. For instance, rock and pop magazines are presented in blue, whereas R&B and rap are in red. This is because they blue is represents confidence and power, which connotes how rock is needed 'confidence' in order to be different and unique from others to presents their goods. Red; it is represents energy and desire, which is showing how rap is needed energy to present their goods into different component (flow, delivery and content) while they are rapping. By putting them into two main colour (blue and red) it will help the audience to choosing a right music magazine genre when they first glance the magazine.

Thursday, 12 December 2013

Task 3: Flat Plan

For the main task, I also created a flat plan to allocate where all the components of the magazine should be. For the front cover, I decided to use the same layout because it appears more professional and also easy for the audience to read.

The masthead, I decided to place at the middle top of the magazine, with big, bold and modern font. This is because to catch the audience attention. By using a modern typography, it would engage my target audience ( young adult) better.

Moreover,  I wanted to place my coverlines around the main image, to avoid the text from covering the image- if the text is overlapping the image, it means the audience will not have a full view of their favourite artist. Therefore it will decrease an interest toward the magazine. 

Mise-en scene that I will using in my music magazine to present the genre of the music magazine is the guitar. This is because I think it would evidently present that this is a music magazine thus it will attract the audience in any other way.   

However, on my contents page I decided to change the layout because I wanted to try to see if this style is suitable for the music magazine or not.

The main image, I wanted to present on the top of the page, this is because I wanted to challenge the conventions that are mostly presented in the common contents page. To add to this, I think to draw and catch the audience attention to the page, I will need to have a good image because this main image will immediately catch the audience attention since the consumer turn the page. To do this I will have to plan my photo shoot properly in order to make the image fit to the space that are available. 

Moreover, the title/ heading will be presented underneath the  main image, this would help the audeince to see which page they are looking at.

At the bottom corner of the magazine, I will put more images for the audicnce to have a wider range of photographs. This would be more appeal to the audience who are have a visually point of view .

I divided an equal side of the double page spread for the image and article. This will bring interests to the audience because they will have a big view of their favourite artist/brand as well as the content about them. Further,pre the heading will be on top of the page in order to